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June 30, 2024 • 1:00 pm

Ymca distr 4

These programs have been established under the guidance and instruction of spiritual master and serving director of the BVI, B Madhava Puri Maharaja.

This program runs throughout the year. During the colder months, it runs indoors in the garage where COVID-19 vaccinations used to be given, located directly to the left when you first pull into the YMCA property.

Prasadam is specially prepared foodstuff that has been offered to the Lord, and then consumed for spiritual purification. Not only is prasadam vegetarian, i.e. does not include meat, fish, or eggs, but it also excludes onion and garlic. The method for honoring prasadam is described in the Vedic scriptures of ancient India.

Honoring prasadam is for nourishing the soul by purifying the heart and mind, not merely for filling the belly and nourishing the body. Prasadam is karma-free, thus it does not further entangle us in reactions from fruitive exploitive activities.

Prasadam is not limited to Indian-style dishes. Just as the Supreme Lord is present everywhere, dishes of any culture may be prepared and offered for the pleasure of the Lord.

Kirtan is ecstatic mantra meditation that purifies the heart by glorifying the Lord.

When practiced in the association of devotees like the genuine followers of Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and Srila Bhakti Rakshak Sridhara Dev-Goswami Maharaja, these nonsectarian devotional activities foster spiritual development towards recognizing our constitutional position as humble, loving, servants of God.

Since March 2021, the Princeton Bhakti Vedanta Institute has been distributing sanctified vegetarian meals (prasadam) for free and having kirtan (ecstatic mantra meditation) at the Princeton YMCA on the last Sunday of every month from 1 to 3 p.m. Whether it’s just for the prasadam, or also to participate in kirtan, all members of the community, their families, and friends, are welcome to join!

The “Vedic Cultural Immersion” is not intended solely for the Indian community, but for anyone who would simply like a vegetarian meal and also for sincere seekers interested in learning more about the nonsectarian approach to spiritual life that Vedic philosophy and culture offers. The Vedic Cultural Immersion was an idea that our serving director Dr. Bhakti Madhava Puri had for some time. He decided to implement it in order to offer some community relief during COVID-19. This has been the primary means of engaging with the community since leaving the group’s 20 Nassau Street office. The Princeton Bhakti Vedanta Institute had kirtan and prasadam distribution out of 20 Nassau Street Suite 116 since 2012, however, we had to relocate due to the new hotel being constructed there.


Princeton Family YMCA
59 Paul Robeson Place
Princeton, NJ 08540 United States
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