Talk of the Sourlands: Fly Fishing 101

The Watershed Institute 31 Titus Mill Road, Pennington, NJ, United States

Fly fishing -- what is it? how do you do it? where do you do it? Bruce Turner will discuss how to get involved in the wonderful sport of fly fishing. He will talk about equipment, fly selection for different species of fish, local as well as other destinations to fly fish and what to...


Sourland Spectacular

The Watershed Institute 31 Titus Mill Road, Pennington, NJ, United States

Gorgeous rural cycling event on paved roads. Four routes to choose from including a Family Ride on the Lawrence Hopewell Trail! Proceeds support the Sourland Conservancy. Ticket/registration website:

$7 – $70

Circe’s Magic: A Family Exploration of Plants

The Watershed Institute 31 Titus Mill Road, Pennington, NJ, United States

Registration: Recommended for ages 6+. HVRSD has a 1/2 day. Join us for a family-friendly exploration of the magic of plants! We will start with a winter wildflower walk to identify common native plants and learn their medicinal (magical) properties. Then, we will set our intentions and make herbal dream pillows. We will conclude...
