Let’s Just Sing! Choral Reading of Gilbert and Sullivan’s Iolanthe

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton 50 Cherry Hill Rd., Princeton

Conductor: Lee Milhous (Bucks County Gilbert & Sullivan Society) The Princeton Society of Musical Amateurs celebrates 90 years of love for choral music, and you’re invited to sing. Vocal scores provided. Members of the community gather together for the common and joyful enterprise of making music for their own pleasure, singing through the great works...


Let’s Just Sing! Choral Reading of Handel’s Messiah

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton 50 Cherry Hill Rd., Princeton

Conductor: Ruth Ochs The Princeton Society of Musical Amateurs celebrates 90 years of love for choral music, and you’re invited to sing. Vocal scores provided. Members of the community gather together for the common and joyful enterprise of making music for their own pleasure, singing through the great works in choral literature with chorus, orchestra,...


Transgender Day of Remembrance Vigil

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton 50 Cherry Hill Rd., Princeton

The names of those trans siblings we have lost since November 2023 will be read and their lives honored through reflection, prayer, music and ceremony.

Let’s Just Sing! Choral Reading of JS Bach’s Mass in B Minor

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton 50 Cherry Hill Rd., Princeton

Conductor: Frances Fowler Slade The Princeton Society of Musical Amateurs celebrates 90 years of love for choral music, and you’re invited to sing. Vocal scores provided. Members of the community gather together for the common and joyful enterprise of making music for their own pleasure, singing through the great works in choral literature with chorus,...


Let’s Just Sing! Choral Reading of Fauré Requiem and Vivaldi Gloria

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton 50 Cherry Hill Rd., Princeton

The Princeton Society of Musical Amateurs celebrates 90 years of love for choral music, and you’re invited to sing. Vocal scores provided. $10 admission for singers (or annual membership). Free for students and non-singing guests. Members of the community gather together for the common and joyful enterprise of making music for their own pleasure, singing...


Buddhist Monks of Gaden Shartse Offer Public Dharma Talk

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton 50 Cherry Hill Rd., Princeton

A talk titled "World Peace and the Unity of All Religions" will be given by one of the touring geshes, followed by a short Q&A session in UU Princeton’s Channing Hall at 50 Cherry Hill Rd, Princeton. Find more information about this event on the UU Princeton homepage.  $10 suggested donation at the door. All...

Buddhist Monks of Gaden Shartse: Mandala Closing Ceremony

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton 50 Cherry Hill Rd., Princeton

After completing the 2-day construction of a sand mandala, the monks will purposely dissolve the magnificent work of art. In upholding the principle that life is transient, the monks sweep up the mandala and place the sand in a river, lake, or ocean, as an offering to purify the surrounding environment. Takes place in UU...

Public Dharma Talk Offered by Buddhist Monks of Gaden Shartse

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton 50 Cherry Hill Rd., Princeton

Buddhist Monks Visit Princeton: Dharma Talk A talk titled "Meditations on Peace and Compassion" will be given by one of the touring geshes, followed by a short Q&A session in UU Princeton’s Channing Hall at 50 Cherry Hill Rd, Princeton. $10 suggested donation at the door. All donations collected support the Gaden Monastery, founded in...

at will donation

Buddhist Monks of Gaden Shartse Visit Princeton: Sand Mandala Viewing

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton 50 Cherry Hill Rd., Princeton

Buddhist Monks Visit Princeton: Sand Mandala Viewing A sand mandala constructed by the Monks of Gaden Shartse will be on display in UU Princeton’s Channing Hall at 50 Cherry Hill Rd, Princeton. Free Will donations accepted at the door. All donations collected support the Gaden Monastery, founded in Tibet in 1409 and currently located in...

at will donation

Buddhist Monks of Gaden Shartse Public Viewing of Sand Mandala Construction

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton 50 Cherry Hill Rd., Princeton

The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton will host a group of Buddhist monks of Shartse Gaden from Aug. 21 to 25 for public events that include the construction of a sand Mandala and Dharma talks on Buddhist teachings. All events will be held at UU Princeton and are open to the public as space allows....

Event Series Buddhist Monks of Gaden Shartse, Aug. 20 to 25 Hosted by UU Princeton

Opening Ceremony for Buddhist Monks of Gaden Shartse Mandala Construction

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton 50 Cherry Hill Rd., Princeton

The Monks of Gaden Shartse will begin construction of a sand mandala in the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton’s Channing Hall at 50 Cherry Hill Road in Princeton. The opening ceremony uses multiphonic chanting and traditional Tibetan instruments to create a space karmically appropriate for building the mandala. Opening ceremony at 10 a.m. View the...


Free Musical Performance by MuNaLoMe

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton 50 Cherry Hill Rd., Princeton

Munalome stands for MUsic, NAture, LOve and MEditation Join Tom Reisher, Marcus Chaney, Allie Coulter and Daniel Cohen for a fusion of peaceful meditation music with crystal bowl sound healing and eclectic acoustic cover songs from different genres and generations. The band's unique sound strives to demonstrate how the rhythm flowing through all styles and...


Giant Spring Rummage Sale for Charity

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton 50 Cherry Hill Rd., Princeton

Largest church rummage Sale in Central New Jersey at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton. All Proceeds go to local charities. Come enjoy bargain-hunting among a large volume and variety of quality items. You will find carefully curated sections of adult and children’s clothing and accessories, boutique & antique items, jewelry, electronics and office supplies,...


Singers Welcome: Choral Reading of Brahms Schicksalslied and Beethoven Ode To Joy from the 9th Symphony

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton 50 Cherry Hill Rd., Princeton

Choral singers welcome. No auditions. Vocal scores provided. $10 admission for singers (or annual membership). Free for students and non-singing guests. Members of the community gathered together for the common and joyful enterprise of making music, to sing through for their own pleasure the great works in choral literature, with chorus, orchestra, and soloists as...


Singers Welcome: Choral Reading of Brahms Requiem

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton 50 Cherry Hill Rd., Princeton

Conductor: Christopher Loeffler Choral singers welcome. No auditions. Vocal scores provided. Members of the community gathered together for the common and joyful enterprise of making music, to sing through for their own pleasure the great works in choral literature, with chorus, orchestra, and soloists as the works require. The meetings are informal readings in which...
