Letters: Thank You to Princeton Backpack Drive Supporters

Princeton Human Services once again had a successful backpack drive this year thanks to the many people who donated. The department distributed backpacks to 100 children from kindergarten to 6th grade.

We would like to thank Princeton municipal employees, local police officers and the many Princeton residents who made donations. A special thanks to Alex and Ani, Otsaka Pharmaceuticals, the Princeton Police Department, the Police Benevolent Association and Stone Hill Church for their generous contributions and ongoing support to the backpack and school supplies drive.

This is truly a community effort, and it’s great to see our community come together to ensure our children have adequate supplies as they start a new school year. Human Services has been coordinating this drive for nearly a decade and it wouldn’t be possible without the support of all of our donors and the volunteers who help during supplies distribution, including our summer youth employment program staff, Leah Williamson and Luis Estrada.

We look forward to continuing the backpack and school supplies drive next year and providing this service to Princeton families.

Elisa Neira
Director, Princeton Human Services

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