Letters: Bronfeld Knows Our Schools

To the Editor:

I’m writing to support Debbie Bronfeld for a seat on the Princeton
Board of Education. Debbie has been a Princeton Public Schools parent since her son Harrison, PHS ’15, began elementary school; her son Max is a junior at Princeton High. She knows our schools in and out, volunteering for many school activities as her sons moved through the school system. She has an MBA and a professional background in
business, working as a financial analyst, internal auditor, and other
similar positions for major companies.

Debbie’s real passion is for helping people in need. She was the
founding executive director of Dress for Success Mercer County,
helping low-income women return to work. She works now at Mercer
Street Friends Food Bank, where she began as a volunteer and is now a
program analyst involved with food stamps and Send Hunger Packing, a school program that sends food home with students experiencing food insecurity. Debbie also spent many years volunteering for the Special Olympics.

Debbie is concerned with our schools’ current and future jump in
enrollment. And she naturally has a particular focus on the
opportunity gap that some of our students face. She and I were both
involved with the difficult teachers’ contract negotiations two years
ago. We felt then that the quality of our children’s education, the
central issue of our schools, was in danger. The teachers’ contract
will be up for renegotiation during the term of the board of
education members we elect now.

With her understanding of our schools, her business background, and
her lifelong focus on public service, Debbie is highly qualified for
a seat on the board of education. I hope you’ll join me in supporting

Amy Goldstein

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