Letters: Thanks for Supporting HomeFront School Supplies Drive

Dear Editor,

More than 2,100 homeless or formerly homeless kids went back to school with new clothes, new shoes and new backpacks filled with necessary school supplies because of the wonderful caring community we live in.

I am once again deeply gratified to report that HomeFront’s back-to -school campaign was met with overwhelming support from Mercer County residents. Many individuals, corporations, congregations, and organizations contributed generously so that HomeFront kids were able to start the new school year with confidence and a feeling of fitting in.

HomeFront bears witness daily to families who are unable to house, feed, or clothe their children.  While the back to school donations may seem like a small step, they contribute greatly to the children’s self-esteem, which is a critical foundation for their success.  The donations also fit into a much bigger picture of getting these children to school and helping them to stay there to finish their educations — and ultimately, for them to become productive, self-sufficient adults.

Thank you for all you do for these children.  It is a delight to see their excitement as they begin their day with a full backpack and a new outfit. With your caring support, we are fighting poverty and have hope that we can end it one day.

Warm regards,

Connie Mercer
Executive Director, HomeFront

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