Letters: Thanks for Making the Friends of the Princeton Public Library Book Sale a Success

To the Editor:

The Friends of Princeton Public Library held their Annual Book Sale on October 14-16 and enjoyed a beautiful fall weekend with book lovers from near and far. The book sale is the culmination of months of work by dedicated volunteers, and depends on the generous
donations of library supporters throughout the year.

We would like to thank the wonderful staff at Princeton Public Library, whose knowledge and commitment was crucial to the success of this event. We are especially thankful to the development department and buildings department for their guidance and wholehearted assistance, and to the teen advisory board for their enthusiastic involvement. We would also like to acknowledge the generous support of our friends at Princeton Public Schools, the Arts Council of Princeton, Corner House, Princeton University, McCaffreys and the Witherspoon Grill.

The large team of book-loving volunteers who worked so hard and with such spirit made this event an absolute pleasure for all involved, from the youngest child picking out a book for the first time, to the knowledgeable collector searching for a special find. Thanks to our generous Princeton community whose support once again increased the amount raised for the library. Even more heartwarming was the sight of the many Princeton residents heading home with smiles and bags full of treasures.


Seva Kramer and Claire Bertrand, Co-Chairs
Friends of the Princeton Public Library Annual Book Sale

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