A thank you from Friends of the Princeton Public Library book sale organizers
To the Editor:
The Friends of the Princeton Public Library held their annual book sale June 23-24 and we were delighted to have so many book lovers from near and far join us on the first weekend of summer. The book sale is the culmination of months of work by dedicated volunteers, and depends on the generous donations of books from library supporters throughout the year.
We would like to thank the wonderful staff at Princeton Public Library, who guided and supported us at every turn with knowledge, commitment, and enthusiasm. We are especially grateful to our friends in the buildings, publicity, and development departments. In addition, the library summer teen volunteers were a tremendous asset and helped us set up for the sale in record time. We would also like to acknowledge the generous support of our friends at the Witherspoon Grill.
The many volunteers who so graciously gave their time and shared their love of books made this event a pleasure for all, and we enjoyed the opportunity to work alongside such a devoted team. Β And last but not least, we are deeply appreciative of our generous Princeton community who once again came out to support our Library.
Jane Nieman and Christa Smith
Co-Chairs of the Friends of the Princeton Public Library Annual Book Sale
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