Spirit of Princeton seeks volunteers to organize spirited community celebrations

The Spirit of Princeton is seeking members of the community to join the team of volunteers who produce three popular and patriotic town events: the Memorial Day Parade the Saturday before Memorial Day, the Flag Day Commemoration on June 14, and the Veterans’ Day Ceremony on Nov. 11.

The basic requirements for volunteers are enthusiasm and a willingness to pitch in. In addition to your help on the day of the celebrations, the organization could use your special talents such as marketing, computer skills, organizational skills, fundraising, and finance expertise. The time commitment over the course of a year is probably no more than 20 hours.

A charitable non-profit group of local residents dedicated to bringing the community together through civic events, the Spirit of Princeton began 21 years ago and is led by Mark Freda and Kam Amizarfari.  Ray Wadsworth, who founded the organization with resident Herb Hobler, led the organization until his death a few days after the 2018 Memorial Day Parade.

Over the years, thousands of people of all ages from throughout the greater Princeton area have enjoyed honoring the active duty, retired and deceased military service men and women who put their lives on the line to protect everyone living in the United States and America’s democratic values.

Anyone interested in contributing to the Spirit of Princeton with some sweat equity or financial support should contact Mark Freda at email  mark@16fisher.com.

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