Betty Wold Johnson’s impact will be felt for decades to come

Letter to the Editor

Like so many non-profit organizations in the greater Princeton area, the Princeton-Blairstown Center was incredibly fortunate to be the beneficiary of Betty Wold Johnson’s philanthropy. We join the community in mourning her loss, sending condolences to her family, and recognizing her incomparable support over six decades.

In the 1970s, Mrs. Johnson met the center’s first executive director, John Danielson, and became interested in supporting opportunities for young people from low-income communities to spend a week or two in the woods of northern New Jersey. She helped the center launch its first capital campaign to winterize buildings so we could move from offering only summer activities to providing year-round programming.  She also provided vital support for the center to build high-quality living accommodations for our staff, which were named the Johnson Apartments in her honor. Mrs. Johnson later supported our second capital campaign that resulted in the building of Egner Lodge, a state-of-the-art dining room, kitchen, and gathering space. During the 1990s and 2000s, Mrs. Johnson supported the building of two modern washhouses and set up a facilities endowment.  The center’s facilities are often recognized as being best-in-class and much of that is due to Mrs. Johnson’s support.

The enormous impact of Mrs. Johnson’s generosity will be felt for many decades to come. The board, staff, and the young people of the Center are eternally grateful to this extraordinary philanthropist. We extend our heartfelt condolences to her family and friends.

Pam Gregory
President and CEO, the Princeton-Blairstown Center

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