Local Black History Month events now featured on central calendar

To the Editor:

“The differentness of races, moreover is no evidence of superiority or of inferiority. This merely indicates that each race has certain gifts which the others do not possess.”  Carter G. Woodson

In 1926, Carter G. Woodson founded what was to become the ASALH, The Association for the Study of African American Life and History and the progenitor of Black History Month. Only more recently has this celebration gained more prominence and yet there is more recognition still needed.

To this end, a number of social justice and racial justice focused-organizations and people got together to discuss how to best put a focus on this month-long celebration. It was quickly understood that many organizations and institutions offer varied programming and separate promotion. The group decided that in addition to self-promotion, a master Mercer County Black History Month Events and Happenings calendar would be created. And so this newly created collaborative calendar now resides on the YWCA Princeton website.

The calendar has lots of good resources including talks, events, videos (sometimes as short as 1 minute), resources such as reading suggestions and more.

It is hoped and expected that this calendar can be used throughout the year and that more and more organizations will post their racial justice events to it.  In this way, all residents of Princeton and beyond can see in one location the important work being done locally to further racial justice.

Thank you to the many who provided input including but certainly not limited to YWCA Princeton, Witherspoon Jackson Cultural and Historical Commission, Not in Our Town, the Library, the Princeton Family Y, the Arts Council, Princeton Human Services and more.  

Thank you, 

Ross Wishnick
Edgerstoune Road

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