N.J. Democratic gubernatorial candidates invited to Princeton forum Feb. 16

NJ Dem Debate group audience by Andres Kudacki scaled
Democratic candidates for N.J. governor from l-r: Steve Sweeney, Ras Baraka, Steve Fulop, Sean Spiller, Mikie Sherrill and. Josh Gottheimer, Candidates debate during the New Jersey Gubernatorial Democratic Party Primary Debate at Rider University on Sunday, Feb. 2, 2025, in Lawrence, N.J. Photo Andres Kudacki for The Jersey Vindicator.

The six Democrats seeking to become the next governor of New Jersey have been invited to speak at a forum hosted by the Princeton Community Democratic Organization at 7 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 16 at the Suzanne Patterson Center.

If you would like to attend the forum, you must pre-register online.

Doors open at 6:15 p.m. People who don’t register will be let in at 6:40 p.m. if space is available and will be seated on a first-come, first-served basis. The center is located at 45 Stockton Street and parking is limited.

The event will also be live-streamed at https://www.facebook.com/PrincetonDemocrats/.

All six candidates participated in their first debate on Sunday, Feb. 2. The Republican candidates will participate in their first debate on Tuesday evening, Feb. 4.

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT planetprinceton.com. Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.

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