Letters to the Editor: The Two C’s – Charters and Consolidation

Charter Leader: Districts Overstepping Boundaries

Since the districts claim they represent “ALL” students, they should not be spending taxpayer dollars to frustrate the educational aspirations of parents and their children who desire to attend a public charter school as a state-approved alternative to the traditional, institutional learning offered by the districts.

In seeking to control matters which are legally outside of their purview, the districts assert the responsibility to review safety  and health aspects of the charter school facilities when, in fact, all legal and operational authority for those matters rests exclusively by law in the County Superintendent and the State Department of Education, and not in the districts.

This is yet another example of the districts over-stepping of their legal authority and misdirecting public resources that made our petition to the Commissioner necessary.  It is the State DOE and the County Superintendents who have the responsibility by law to see that charter schools meet their students’ educational needs, not the districts.  Instead of sticking its nose into matters in which it has no legal authority or responsibility, the districts should devote their resources and efforts to improving the education of the students under their charge.

Parker Block, Princeton International Academy Charter School, Co-Founder


Don’t Vote for the Status Quo

To the Editor:

I have been a tax-paying resident of Princeton for only 11 years, but
that has been enough for me to both become very invested in our
community and become strongly convinced that consolidating Princeton
Borough and Township is both our best opportunity for some municipal
tax relief but also key to maintaining the character and quality of
our community.

The members of Princeton’s Joint Consolidation and Shared Services
Study Commission are among the most talented members of our community.
They not only volunteered large amounts of their own time, but were
assisted by the Center for Governmental Research, a nonprofit
management consultant.  The facts are documented in the commission’s
report and are not in dispute.  Consolidation would save at least $3.2
million per year and also improve municipal services.  Further, it
would lead to a municipal government that would be more accountable to
the citizens of Princeton.  Currently, to have your voice heard means
struggling to find time to attend the variously scheduled meetings of
two different bodies for any issue that crosses the current municipal

In November, a vote for the status quo is a vote for higher taxes,
while a vote for consolidation will not only reduce taxes, but will
help preserve our historic town for the long term by uniting
neighborhoods and improving municipal services.

Peter Wolanin, Unite Princeton

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT planetprinceton.com. Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.