Princeton Township Honors Staff and Volunteers

Service awards were presented to several Princeton Township employees and volunteers by the Princeton Township Committee at the start of the public meeting Monday night.
Police officers Robert Toole and Ernest Silagyi, Jr. were recognized for serving a quarter century on the township police force, while officers Judd Petrone and Thomas Murray were honored for 20 years of service. Officers Francisco Castro, Jr. and Geoffrey Maurer were honored for 15 years of service, officer Anthony Paccillo was recognized for 10 years of service, and officer Kelly Murdoch was recognized for five years of service.
Public works employees Manuel Rodriguez and Alfredo Garcia were honored for 10 years of service, and public worker Robert Pasternak was honored for 5 years of service.
Engineering Department employees Robert Killian and Michael Lapanski were recognized for 10 years of service, and Tax Department employees Tammie Tisdale and Dena Flynn were honored for 5 years of service. Recreation Department employee Stephen Magyari was honored for 5 years of service.
The following volunteers were recognized (some staff and volunteers were unable to attend the ceremony and have their photos taken):
-Richard Olsson for 20 years on the flood control commission
-Bruce Jefferson for 15 years on the construction board of appeals
-Penelope Baskersville for 10 years on the zoning board of adjustment
-Richard Woodbridge and Charles Creesy for 10 years serving on CATV
-Lilly Krauss for 10 years on the shade tree commission
– John Curtis , Rafael Costa and Wendy Jolley for 5 years on the Corner House board
– Richard Kahn for 5 years on the zoning board of adjustment
– Linda Meisel for 5 years on the human services commission
– Max Shane for 5 years on the joint recreation board
Combine all these years and it adds up to 300 years of service to the Princeton community.
Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.