Princeton Borough, West Windsor Police Blotters

Princeton Borough

A Trenton woman allegedly stole $145 worth of merchandise from the CVS Pharmacy on Nassau Street on Jan. 30. Latoya Snell, 29, was charged with shoplifting and hindering apprehension after she fled CVS in her car. Police stopped her car on Moore Street and police said she provided them with false information about her identity. She was arrested and placed in the Mercer County Corrections Center on $2,500 bail. The stolen items were recovered, police said.

West Windsor

A pick-up truck struck a utility pole on the northbound side of Old Trenton Road  on Jan. 30 just after 11 p.m. Raymond Palmere, 22, of East Windsor, was issued traffic summonses for driving while intoxicated, reckless driving, failure to maintain a
lane, and careless driving. He was taken to the Robert Wood Johnson Hospital at Hamilton because of a leg injury. At the hospital, blood samples were taken for analysis.

Two 20-year-olds attempted to steal items from the Target store at Nassau Park Boulevard in the early evening on Jan. 29, police said. Julien Henson and Jeremy Chaudet of Lawrence were in the parking lot when police arrived and allegedly found them in possession of the stolen merchandise. They were placed under arrest, taken to headquarters, and issued criminal summonses for shoplifting.

Police stopped a 1997 Nissan four door for a seatbelt violation Jan. 29 just after 11:30 p.m., and smelled marijuana in the car. Police said the driver, Lawrence Casseus, 20, of Irvington, allegedly has under 50 grams of marijuana in the car. Casseus was placed under arrest and taken to headquarters where he was processed and issued a criminal summons for possession of marijuana under 50 grams and a traffic summons for failure to wear a seatbelt.

Just after 8:30 p.m. on Jan. 28, an employee at ULTA stopped a man at the front of the store to check the contents of the bag he was carrying and the man allegedly told her he had a gun and pushed her out of the way, fleeing to the parking lot. Police were not able to locate the man in the parking lot. The employee was not injured. An estimated $350 in merchandise was taken from the store.

A Lawrence resident was charged with possession of marijuana, possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, and possession of prescription drugs not prescribed after police pulled him over on Province Line Road south of Quakerbridge Road just after 10:30 p.m. Jan. 28.  Stuart Borajkiewicz, 21, was stopped for speeding on US Route 1 southbound, police said. The officer who stopped him noticed the odor of marijuana coming from inside the Volkswagen. Police said they found under 50 grams of marijuana, a portable hand scale, rolling papers, over 200 ziploc baggies and several prescription pills in the car. Borajkiewicz was also issued traffic summonses for speeding and for possession of a controlled and dangerous substance in a motor vehicle.

Police stopped a 2004 Toyota sport utility vehicle in the Zales parking lot on Jan. 27 for obstructing traffic. Police said they found two hypodermic needles and other drug paraphernalia in the vehicle driven by Patricia Silvers, 40, of Hamilton.  Police said Silvers had outstanding warrants from two other jurisdictions. She was placed under arrest, taken back to headquarters, and issued criminal summonses for possession of hypodermic needles and possession of drug paraphernalia, as well as traffic summonses for obstructing traffic and driving with a suspended driver’s license.

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.