Letters: Thanks to My Rescuers in Mountain Lakes Preserve

To the Editor:

On Wednesday afternoon, I was finishing up a rejuvenating walk in the tranquil and lovely Mountain Lakes Preserve and heading up the long driveway back to the parking lot.  I stepped off the road to allow a delivery truck going to Mountain Lakes House to pass me and when I returned to the pavement, I slipped and crashed down into the asphalt.  Luckily, five fellow nature lovers heard my calls for help and responded swiftly.

Thank you very much to the jogger who reached me first.  He supported me to the parking lot, called 911, and stayed on the phone with the police to completely assess my needs.  Thank you, as well, to the woman in the parking lot who kindly proffered paper towels for my extremely bloody face, and to her husband, a doctor, who further evaluated my injuries (you were right: stitches and a broken nose).  Thank you, especially, to Jamie Anderson and her husband who also helped escort me out of the woods, who phoned my husband, and who drove me to the emergency room.  Thank you to the two dogs in this assemblage who were sweetly sympathetic, even though I was delaying their romp in the woods.  I am extremely grateful that I had such concerned, capable help within moments of my fall, and I’m sorry that your afternoon idyll was interrupted.

I have additional thanks to all the people at Princeton Medical Center, whose kind, friendly, professional care was gentle, reassuring, and efficient.  Thanks for still being right down the street from Mountain Lakes.

I also have a request to anyone driving a car or truck into Mountain Lakes Preserve: please drive slowly and cautiously.  The driveway is narrow and the verges are slippery and uneven in many places.  More and more walkers and runners will be in the woods as the weather improves so please share the road.

Thank you again to my gallant rescuers and medical staff.  I am very lucky and hope to be enjoying the woods again soon.


Sally K. Chrisman

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT planetprinceton.com. Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.