Last Call for Democratic Candidates Who Want PCDO Endorsement, and for Members Who Want to Vote
This Sunday is the deadline for Democratic candidates seeking a seat on the Borough Council or the mayor’s post for the new Princeton to declare that they want the endorsement of the Princeton Community Democratic Organization (PCDO). Sunday is also the deadline for residents who want to participate in the vote at the March 25 endorsement meeting to become a member of the PCDO.
The PCDO’s annual endorsement meeting is a key event in local politics each year, given that both the Borough and Township are dominated by the Democrats, who control every seat on both governing bodies.
Democratic and Republican candidates have until Monday, April 2, at 4 p.m., to file petitions to run in the June 5 primary elections. You don’t need an endorsement to run. Independent candidates have until 4 p.m. June 5 to file their petitions. The Borough and Township clerks have all the necessary forms for residents interested in filing petitions.
To receive the endorsement of the PCDO, a candidate must win 60 percent of the votes of those present and voting. Candidates who win at least 40 percent of the votes will receive a recommendation to appear in the same column as the endorsed candidates. The endorsement results will be communicated to the Democratic Municipal Committee, which could agree with the endorsements or not. The final placement and order of candidates’ names on the election ballot are determined by the County Democratic Chair, who takes the endorsement vote into account but is not bound to do so by law.
To vote at the March 25 endorsement meeting, which will begin at 6 p.m. at the Suzanne Patterson Center behind borough Hall, you must complete a membership form and pay your 2012 PCDO dues no later than this Sunday, March 11. Membership applications can be found at If you mail your form in, mail it in time time for the last mail pick up on Saturday (the post office is closed on Sunday and mailed forms must be postmarked on or before March 11). On the weekend of March 10 and 11, you can also drop off your membership forms and dues (no cash) at 209 Moore Street, in a box on the porch.
Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.