Mercer County Announces Poster Contest for Fourth Graders
The Mercer County Clerk, Surrogate and Sheriff have announced that the county is now accepting entries for the sixth annual “My County” school poster contest for fourth graders.
The contest, sponsored by the Constitutional Officers Association of New Jersey (COANJ) promotes awareness of attractions in the county. The contest is open to all local fourth graders. Students are encouraged to create a poster that depicts what is special and unique about Mercer County including landmarks, attractions, and area history.
First, second and third place winners will be selected in May, which is County Government Month. Winners will be invited to a photo session at a county office with county officials. Winning posters will also be displayed in a public place, such as the Mercer County Library Headquarters in Lawrence Township.
Posters must be submitted on a standard 22” x 28” poster board. The name “Mercer County” must be in 4-inch letters formed in black marker at the top of the poster. The student’s name, teacher’s name and name of the student’s school must be printed neatly on the back lower right corner of the poster. Posters must be delivered to the Mercer County Clerk’s Office, Room 100, 209 South Broad Street in Trenton, no later than April 27. For further information or questions related to the “My County” poster contest, call Mercer Deputy Clerk Walker Worthy, Jr. at (609) 989-6061.
Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.