Princeton Half Marathon Map

01 18 12 map w mile markers revThe Princeton Half Marathon scheduled for Nov. 4 will begin and end at Chambers Street in downtown Princeton. The route includes Library Place, Mercer Street, the Institute for Advanced Study, Washington Road, Westminster Choir College, Herrontown Road, and several other Princeton Borough and Township streets.

And, of course, the 13.1 mile course includes a run past by HiTOPS, the non-profit that is organizing the half marathon.

HiTOPS work with adolescents, teens and young adults ages 10-26, as well as parents, teachers, schools and community groups, to provide the resources and education for young people to live healthy, responsible and empowered lives. Proceeds from the marathon will benefit HiTOPS programs to support adolescent mental health.

Registration for the Princeton Half Marathon will  open April 17. A special website has been set up,, for registration and race information. Stay tuned for a special early-bird discount code for Planet Princeton readers!

Organizers expect at least 1,000 runners to register based on data from other first-time half marathons.

The event, which is expected to draw at least a few thousand spectators, will include entertainment and demos on Palmer Square. Various sponsorship opportunities will be available for local businesses.

Editor’s Note: An earlier edition of this story stated that this would be the first ever half marathon in Princeton, but there was one in Princeton in the 1980s.

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.