Dick Woodbridge Enters Princeton Mayoral Race


Richard C. Woodbridge, former Mayor of Princeton Township and former Council
President of Princeton Borough, officially announced his candidacy for mayor of the newly
consolidated Princeton today.

“I believe now is the time for Princeton to elect someone with experience and fresh thinking who believes in true inclusiveness and non-partisan cooperation,” he said.

Woodbridge said he decided to run after talking to many people in the Princeton community. He ran letters to the editor in various publications soliciting feedback on his potential candidacy.

“The e-mails I received were very encouraging,” he said. “After hearing from people on both sides of the political aisle and listening to numerous citizen concerns, I decided to run.”

Woodbridge said he plans to run a positive campaign aimed at reducing taxes and improving municipal services, with an emphasis on independent and non-partisan thinking and new approaches to the challenges Princeton faces.

“As the only candidate who has been elected to office in both municipalities, I believe I bring something very useful and unique to the table during this highly critical transition period,” he said.

Woodbridge, who is running as a Republican in the June primary, grew up in Princeton and attended the Nassau Street and Valley Road Schools. He graduated from Princeton University with a degree in electrical engineering in 1965. He is a registered patent attorney and has maintained a patent and trademark practice in Princeton since 1973.

A 20-year veteran of the Princeton Fire Department, Woodbridge has served in a variety of municipal positions including police, public works and fire commissioner. He has also served on numerous community boards.

For more than a decade, he served on the Princeton Borough Council.  He was a Princeton Township Committeeman from 1990-92 and served as mayor for two years.

Woodbridge has been endorsed by the local Republican municipal committee. He said he is not running on a national Republican platform. “The local flavor of Republicans in Princeton tend to be more independent,” he said.

He plans to provide a more detailed description of his vision for Princeton’s future over the next few weeks, he said.

“I’ve got nothing to lose by running, and I bring something to Princeton that’s hard to find, experience in both governments, the Borough and the Township,” he told Planet Princeton.

He is asking that anyone in Princeton — Democrat, Republican or Independent — who is interested in helping him on his campaign e-mail him at woodbridge4mayor@gmail.com.

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT planetprinceton.com. Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.