`Princeton Bear’ Spotted in Herrontown Woods Area Thursday Afternoon

bear in cemetery
The bar shimmies up a tree in the cemetery across from the Princeton Public Library. Photo Credit: Henry Vega.

The adolescent black bear that wandered around Princeton most of the day Wednesday and Thursday was seen in the Herrontown Woods area near Herrontown Road Thursday afternoon, police said.

Police and other officials spent much of Wednesday and Thursday trying to track the bear, which officials described as a three-foot, 150-175 pound “teenage bear.”

Police were alerted to the bear’s presence just after noon Wednesday by a Plainsboro motorist who called in to report a bear sighting on the 400 block of Terhune Road near Governor’s Lane. The state Division of Fish and Wildlife was contacted, as were area schools, Sgt. Mike Cifelli said.

The bear was seen on North Harrison Street near Terhune Road Wednesday afternoon and was later spotted wandering in the woods between Terhune Road and the shopping center, police said. The bear then made its way to Conte’s and the Princeton Hospital garage. Just before 7 p.m. Wednesday night, residents spotted the bear in the cemetery near the Princeton Public Library. A crowd gathered around the cemetery to catch a glimpse of the bear. People were told to leave the area just before 8:30 p.m.

Representatives from the state Division of Fish and Wildlife decided Wednesday night not to attempt to tranquilize the bear while it was up in a tree in the cemetery.

Police have asked residents not to approach the bear and to call the police department immediately if they see it. Police also suggested that residents take in their garbage cans and bird feeders.

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT planetprinceton.com. Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.