Route 1 Jughandle Tuesday Update (Updated at 2 p.m. with DOT Response)










A utility company is performing work on the Route 1 ramp at Scudders Mill Road and has placed cones on it, but a spokesman for the state Department of Transportation said the ramp remains open and drivers can still use Scudders Mill to head back south on Route 1.

“We are checking on the exact placement of the cones to make sure it is clear to motorists that the ramp is open,” DOT Spokesman Joe Dee said.

Many drivers, thinking the ramp is closed, have been heading all the way up to College Road to make u-turns to get back to Princeton.

The Route 1 jughandles at Washington Road and Harrison Street were closed this weekend. Drivers were told to take alternate routes, with two possibilities for Route 1 drivers being Alexander Road and Scudders Mill Road.

Reader Dale Meade pointed out an interesting little tidbit to us. The DOT cameras on Route 1 at Alexander Road and Scudders Mill Road have been blocked off since yesterday. Dee said the DOT is working to get the cameras up and running again. “We are aware the cameras are not functioning as intended and are working to get them back on line as soon as possible,” he said.

So far, drivers who take Route 1 north into Princeton have not complained too much about their commutes since the changes have been implemented.  Many took different routes into work Monday to avoid Route 1. The biggest problems reported by commuters so far have been along Route 571. Since the changes, readers report that traffic along parts of 571 crawls along during rush hour. The DOT changed the timing of some traffic lights, and drivers say there is not enough time for many vehicles traveling on 571 to cross Route 1. Several drivers have also reported seeing numerous cars make u-turns on 571 to be able to cut across Route 1 into Princeton.

But most people agree that the real test will be in September. Princeton is like a ghost town right now, and none of the schools are in session.

It will be interesting to see the DOT data comparing travel times before and after the project. We also understand Princeton University has created a phone app that some commuters are using to track their travel times.

For our round-up of the start of the trial, visit our Storify post from yesterday. We also received many comments on our Facebook page.

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.