Planet Weekend Picks, Sept. 28-30

A few of the birdhouses that will be auctioned off Sunday at a benefit for Princeton Community Housing.

Friday, September 28

Eistein’s Alley Musicians Party at the Arts Council of Princeton –  `Musicals and the Great American Songbook’. 6 p.m., admission $15. Bring a snack to share.

Ballet Folklorico de Mexico performs at McCarter Theatre – Ballet and folk dances, mariachi band. Matthews Theatre, 8 p.m., tickets $20 to $52.

Saturday, September 29

Princeton Battlefield Society Fall Encampment and Performance of Addison’s Cato ‐  History and tactical demonstrations by Revolutionary War reenactment units, performance of Joseph Addison’s Cato. The play was a favorite of George Washington. Event starts at 10 a.m., colonial era music at 4 p.m., play begins at 5 p.m. Free event, but donations accepted. Bring your beach chairs and blankets and find seating in front  of columns.

Beyond Words, Princeton Public Library Benefit Talk – Annual event features a talk by author Jeffrey Eugenides at Princeton University’s Richardson Auditorium at 6 p.m. Tickets still available online for the talk, $40 plus online ordering fee. Benefit dinner is sold out.

Cafe Improv at the Arts Council of Princeton –  Music, poetry, comedy and more at Princeton’s fun and quirky monthly performer showcase.  Runs from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Tickets just $2. For the full line-up visit

Princeton Battlefield Ghost Tour – The Princeton Tour Company takes visitors on a tour of the historic Princeton Battlefield after dark, using EMF Meters, dowsing rods and therma-meters to investigate the site.  The event is designed to be suitable for adults and children ages 9 and up. Start in the front yard of the Thomas Clarke House at 500 Mercer Road. Order tickets online, $20.

Sunday, September 30

“There’s No Place Like Home” Birdhouse Auction and Reception to Benefit Princeton Community Housing – Princeton’s largest provider of affordable housing for families and seniors is celebrating its 45th anniversary with a reception and auction of more than 100 hand-crafted birdhouses made by local artists and architects including Michael Graves, J. Robert Hillier, Anne Sax, Robert Bennett, Francis Treves, and Claudia Gaviria. Reception at Conant Hall on the ETS campus, 3 to 6 p.m. Activities for children provided. Rain or shine. Tickets at the door are $25, children under 12 free.

Terhune Orchards Fall Harvest Festival – Apples, pumpkins, farm activities for the kids, food tent, music and more. Runs both Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Riverside performs Saturday noon to 4, and the Jimmy Lee Ramblers perform Sunday noon to 4. Terhune Orchard is located at 330 Cold Soil Road in Lawrenceville. Admission $5 per person, children under 3 free.

Screening of `Bitter Seeds’ – The documentary chronicles what happens when farmers from India become part of the worldwide switch to genetically modified seeds. Many get deeply in debt, and are unable to provide for their families. Co-sponsored by the Princeton Public Library and the Global Cinema Cafe, 4 p.m. in the library community room. Free.

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.