Princetonians Fill Palmer Square for Interfaith Service to Remember Shooting Victims
The Palmer Square Green glowed with the light of dozens of candles tonight as about 300 people from various faith walks joined together to remember the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings in Connecticut.
Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists and people of other beliefs gathered to take part in the “Gathering of Remembrance, Unity and Hope” sponsored by the Princeton Clergy Association, the Princeton University Office of Religious Life, the Fellowship In Prayer, Palmer Square and the Nassau Inn.
“our hearts, minds, thoughts and prayers are with the grieving families,” said Sutinder Singh of the World Sikh Council. “Every time I think of the tragedy, tears come to my eyes. Their families are part of our family. Their children are our children.”
Singh noted that over the last two years, nore than 100 people have been gunned down at massacres in the U.S.
“People have been killed at colleges, cinemas, places of worship — and now, as if to wake us all up — it has happened in an elementary school,” Singh said.
“The hearts of Muslims across the U.S. are with the people in Connecticut, the children all the innocent people,” said Imam Hamad Ahmad Chebli of the Islamic Society of Central Jersey. “It’s time to stop the nonsense. There are more and more guns. Why?”
The Rev. Bob Moore of the Coalition for Peace Action echoed Chebli’s comments and called for action when it comes to gun control.
“How can we let this keep happening?” Moore asked. “We need not succumb to cynicism…Let’s use democracy to make our schools safer.”
The Rev. David Davis of Nassau Presbyterian Church led the group in a prayer for the safety of teachers and students.
The gathering included people of all ages, and many teachers and students were in the crowd.
Rabbi Adam Feldman of the Jewish Center reflected on Hannukah, called by some the Festival of Lights
“There was so much darkness last week,” Feldman said. “But there were also so many examples of light, or heroism, of people risking their lives to save others.”
Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.