Sustainable Princeton Names 2013 Leadership Honorees

300px-sp-logo1107An architect, two teachers, and a 17-year-old who built his own electric car are among the diverse group of honorees selected  to receive the 2013 Sustainable Princeton leadership awards.

The awards ceremony will be held at 7 p.m. Jan. 23 at the Princeton Public Library and will kick off the Princeton Environmental Film Festival. The winners are:

Dr. Stephanie Chorney, Resident, citizen activist

John Emmons & Martha Friend, Science teachers, Littlebrook and Community Park Elementary Schools

Robert Hrabchak, Student, Princeton Day School

Jack Morrison, President, JM Group, owner Nassau Seafood, Blue Point Grill

Stu Orefice, Director, Dining Services Director, Princeton University

Bill Sachs, Resident, tree expert

Grace Sinden, Resident, Life Time Achievement (new category)

William A. Wolfe,  Architect

The Sustainable Princeton Leadership Awards are sponsored by Sustainable Princeton with support from the Princeton Environmental Commission.  Each year a call for nominations is issued to help us identify Princeton’s best, brightest and greenest businesses, residents, teachers, school administrators, government employees, religious leaders and any others that are leading the way toward a sustainable Princeton.  A volunteer review team comprised of representatives from each of these areas chooses the finalists.

Sustainable Princeton’s goals for the town of Princeton are to reduce energy use from fossil fuels by 20 percent by the year 2020 and to reduce waste by 50 percent by 2016.  For more information visit

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.