Head of Princeton Area Community Foundation to Retire at the End of the Year

NancyKieling_2Nancy Kieling, who has led the Princeton Area Community Foundation for its first two decades, will be retiring at the end of the year, the Community Foundation Board of Trustees announced this morning.

“After 20 years of extraordinary leadership, the board and I are happy for Nancy as she embarks on a new phase in her life and grateful for the strong position she will leave the Community Foundation in upon her departure,” said David R. Scott, chair, Community Foundation Board of Trustees in a press release about her retirement.

Hired in 1994 as the Community Foundation’s first full-time paid executive director, Kieling brought the Community Foundation from its infancy to its standing today as a leader and advocate for the nonprofit sector in Central New Jersey. She has been the driving force in taking the Community Foundation’s assets from $300,000 in 1994 to nearly $100 million today. That monumental growth has enabled the foundation to grant more than $7 million per year to deserving nonprofits.

Kieling said it has been a privilege to watch the Community Foundation evolve from a tiny organization with donated computers and desks into an organization affecting thousands of lives every year in Central Jersey.

“I am pleased the Community Foundation is stable, focused and poised to take the next step,” Kieling said. “It is now time for someone else to build on our good work and escalate the foundation to an ever greater level of community service.”

Scott said Kieling’s energy, enthusiasm, financial acumen, and devotion to her job have made her the face of the Community Foundation to countless philanthropists in Central New Jersey and beyond.

“Thanks to Nancy’s efforts and achievements over the last 20 years, the Community Foundation faces a very bright future,” he said. “But Nancy will be sorely missed.”

The foundation’s board of trustees will begin the search for her successor and appoint a transition committee to oversee the leadership change.

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT planetprinceton.com. Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.