Princeton Road Work/Closures for the Week of March 31

roadworkTonight and tomorrow night, March 31st and April 1st, the New Jersey Department of Transportation will be patching and repairing State Highway 206 between Nassau Street and Arreton Road. The work will take place between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. Workers will be on the scene to manage alternating traffic. Expect traffic delays while the work is being completed. During daytime hours, the NJDOT will be completing curb work at the same locations. Expect lane shifts and traffic delays.

On Wednesday, April 2,  Contractor J. Fletcher Creamer will be doing paving and patch work at the following locations: Cedar Lane, Edgerstoune Road, Library Place, Red Hill Road, Stanley and Erdman Avenues, Morgan Avenue, Stanley and Hamilton Avenues, Moran and Nassau Streets. Expect traffic delays while the work is being completed.

On Friday, April 4, Edgerstoune Road near the Hun School will be closed intermittentlyfor underground utility work between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Beginning on Tuesday, April 1, weather permitting, a new sanitary sewer system on Branch Alley beginning at its intersection with Park Place. The work is anticipated to take two weeks. Upon completion of this work,a few remaining sewer laterals will be installed on Park Place between Madison Street and Moore Street and then crews will move to Moore Street to install a new sewer manhole, replace laterals, and burst the main between Willow Street and Park Place.

Adjacent properties on the affected street(s) will be notified as needed to remove vehicles prior to the start of work each day. Park Place between Madison Street and Moore Street will be closed to through traffic during work hours. Parking will be allowed in non-metered, legal parking spaces on other municipal roads where work will not be taking place. If you need to park your car on the street overnight, contact Deanna Stockton,, to obtain a temporary parking placard, which must be placed on the dashboard of the driver’s side front windshield.

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.