Rabid Raccoon Found in Community Park Area in Princeton

raccoonA raccoon that was captured by authorities in the Community Park area has tested positive for rabies. Although there was no known contact with people, officials are concerned about parents and children frequenting the area. Police are requesting that parents check with their children if any contact with raccoons occurred. Call police at (609) 921-2100 to report any contact with a raccoon.

Two bats found in homes on Linden Lane recently tested positive for rabies, and last month two raccoons found on Pretty Brook Road tested positive for rabies.

Homeowners who allow their pets to roam outside unattended should check the status of their pets’ last rabies shot. If it has been longer than one year, a booster shot should be given. Residents are urged to not leave food outside because it can attract wild animals.Rabies is a viral disease that attacks the nervous system and is fatal in humans without prompt treatment. The disease is spread when a rabid animal’s saliva contacts another animal or human through wounds in the skin, typically a bite.

Prophylactic treatment should be given as soon as possible after suspected exposure with a prompt dose of immune globulin and a series of five rabies vaccinations over a 28-day period. Current vaccinations are relatively painless and given as close to the injured area as possible. Rabies is virtually 100 percent lethal, but 100 percent preventable.

If bitten, scratched or licked by a wild animal:

• Immediately wash the wounds with plenty of soap and water
• Get prompt medical attention
• Get a description of the animal
• Report the bite to your local health or police department

For more information on rabies, please visit the Centers for Disease Control website

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT planetprinceton.com. Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.