Letters: Thanks to McCarter Theatre Gala Supporters
Dear Editor,
On May 9 McCarter Theatre Center held its annual Gala, and we would like to thank the community for supporting this effort. The funds raised from this spectacular evening will be used to support our Artistic and Educational programming throughout the region.
The centerpiece of the evening was an incredible performance by the musical group Pink Martini delivered to a packed-to-the-rafters theatre. The concert was preceded by an elegant, seated dinner for 360 guests catered by Jimmy Duffy’s Catering and followed by a late-into-the-night after-party featuring cocktails, desserts, and plenty of music and dancing.
The success of this event is only possible with the support of the many individuals and local corporations who provide financial contributions, enthusiastic attendance, volunteer their time on our Gala committee, and donate auction items. On behalf of the entire staff of McCarter Theatre, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to these tireless supporters.
Special thanks go out to our fantastic Gala Committee and to Committee Co-Chairpersons – Timothy M. Andrews, Cheryl Goldman, and Liza Morehouse – who orchestrated a striking evening for our guests.
Lending their support to this year’s Gala at the Gold level of sponsorship were six generous corporations: Bloomberg, Cure Auto Insurance, The Gould Group of Wells Fargo, Maiden Re, Mathematica Policy Research, and Saul Ewing. We are deeply grateful for their support.
We also want to give a special thanks to Princeton University, not only for their longstanding support of this event, but for their unwavering support every season.
One can’t help but be awestruck, and humbled a bit, when so many in a community join together in support of a cultural treasure such as McCarter. We are.
Timothy J. Shields – Managing Director
Emily Mann – Artistic Director
Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT planetprinceton.com. Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.