Princeton University Trustee Committee Seeks Views on Woodrow Wilson’s Legacy
A special committee of trustees at Princeton University has been formed to consider the legacy of Woodrow Wilson at the school.
The committee has created a website to collect observations and opinions about Wilson and his legacy. The committee has also invited scholars and biographers with relevant expertise to share their understandings of Wilson and his legacy for posting on the website.
The 10-member committee is chaired by Brent Henry, vice chair of the Princeton Board of Trustees. In addition to collecting views through the website, the committee will be arranging opportunities for in-person conversations on campus early in the spring semester.
“The Board of Trustees has authority over how the University recognizes Wilson, and our committee will consider specifically whether or not changes should be made in how the University recognizes his legacy,” Henry said. “But we are also interested in how the University should think about and periodically reexamine its broader historical legacy and the representation of that legacy on campus. We are eager to hear from members of the University community with a broad range of perspectives on both Wilson’s legacy and these broader questions.”
The website asks for views about Wilson’s record and impact as a faculty member and president of Princeton, his record and impact as president of the United States, his legacy at Princeton today and how it is and should be commemorated, and representations on campus of Princeton’s broader historical legacy.
In addition to Henry, members of the committee include trustees Scott Berg, Katherine Bradley, Denny Chin, Angela Groves, Kathryn Hall, Robert Hugin, Robert Murley, Margarita Rosa and Ruth Simmons.
The Wilson Legacy Review Website is at
Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.