Hit and Run in Hopewell Borough
A truck heading east on West Broad Street between North
Greenwood Avenue and Mercer Street in Hopewell Borough hit a parked Honda Civic on Thuesday, Feb. 25, jut before 5 a.m.
The collision caused the Civic to be pushed onto the sidewalk, causing damage to three park benches, a stone hitching post, a
lamp post, metal trash receptacles and a small tree. The Civic came to rest against the front façade of a business, where it struck the outside gas meter.
The box truck left the scene, but an eyewitness provided a description of the vehicle that was then provided to law enforcement in surrounding jurisdictions.
The fire department shut off gas service to the building and residents living above the business were evacuated as a precaution until Elizabethtown Gas arrived and deemed the area to be safe.
Residents were able to return to their homes a short time later.
The box truck, a 2006 International 430 contracted truck delivering U.S. Mail, was located in Montgomery Township a short time later after being involved in another crash in their jurisdiction. The driver, 69 year old Samuel Roberts of Bristol, Pa., was interviewed and issued the summonses for reckless driving, leaving the scene of a motor vehicle crash, failing to report a motor vehicle crash with property damage, failure to possess a CDL, and failure to produce credentials and improper display of license plates. His case will be heard in municipal court.
West Broad Street between North Greenwood Avenue and Louellen Street was closed for approximately 90 minutes during this investigation.
There were no reported injuries.
Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT planetprinceton.com. Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.