High Winds Down Trees and Wires in Princeton Area

Strong winds Sunday downed trees and wires and left some people without power in the Princeton area.
In New Jersey, winds reached about 60 miles per hour. The gusts were so strong that the cross blew off the steeple at Trinity Princeton, the historic Episcopal church in downtown Princeton.
Pieces of plaster, gutters, and other materials blew off of the sides of other buildings, and lawns were strewn with trash, recycling, and tree branches. On Spring Street, a layer of the outside wall above the door at Kopp’s Cycle Shop was on the sidewalk Sunday morning.
Several roads in the area were closed and reopened throughout the day Sunday because of downed trees and wires, including major roads like Route 206 and Mercer Road, and some residents lost power and had to wait several hours for it to be restored.
On Monday, the temperature in the Princeton area is expected to reach a high of 66, followed by a low of 30 at night. Skies should clear on Tuesday, and Wednesday is expected to be windy.
Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT planetprinceton.com. Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.