Photos: Anchor House Ride for Runaways Day Four
The 177 cyclists participating in the Anchor House Ride for Runaways biked 75.5 miles from Lenox, Mass. to Kingston, New York on Wednesday, climbing 3,348 feet.
The day was billed as a recovery day, but many of the cyclists were exhausted from two days of climbing, and some struggled to finish as temperatures rose into the mid 90s.
The first rest stop of the day was at the Guthrie Center in Great Barrington, Mass., the former church where Arlo Guthrie visited a friend named Alice Brock. His visit there became the narrative for a song he wrote two years later,“Alice’s Restaurant.”
The cyclists crossed the state line at mile 29.6 and traveled down into the Hudson River Valley stopping at a farm along the way before crossing the Kingston-Rhinecliff Bridge.
On Thursday the cyclists will bike 69.8 miles from Kingston to Matamoras, Pa. In the evening they will attend the annual Ride for Runaways banquet, where they will find out how much money their pedaling efforts have raised for Anchor House so far.
Photos by Jeanne Imbrigiotta.
Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.