Construction underway on latest addition to Lawrence Hopewell Trail

The construction of the Lawrence Hopewell Trail’s Province Line Road segment is underway. The new link will add about three-quarters of a mile of trail to the biking and walking loop that runs through Lawrence and Hopewell townships.

The 3,760-foot segment of the trail will run along Province Line Road from Route 206 to Bannister Drive, where it crosses into the Foxcroft neighborhood. This link will tie Carson Road Woods and Bristol-Myers Squibb Lawrenceville to the north and the Foxcroft neighborhood to the southeast. With the completion of this project, 19 miles of the 22-mile trail will be completed by the summer.

Funding totaling about $500,000 for this leg of the trail comes from federal highway funds, administered through the N.J. Department of Transportation, with Lawrence Township.


“We can hardly wait to see members of our community walking and riding their bikes along this critically important leg of the Lawrence Hopewell Trail. Within a few months, we will all be able to walk or ride on the trail from ETS through BMS, down Province Line Road, over Princeton Pike and into the Maidenhead Meadows Park, staying on the trail the whole time,” said Lawrence Hopewell Train Co-President Becky Taylor. “That’s progress.”

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.