Detective James Udijohn named American Legion officer of the year

Udijohn Amer Legion 2017
James Perkins, Mercer County Commander, Trenton Legion Post 182; Sherrylee Govoni, Americanism Committee Chair-Stone Harbor Post 331; Elizabeth Udijohn, mother of the honoree; Det. James Udijohn;and Roger Genaro, NJ American Legion Department Commander.

James Udijohn, a detective with the Mercer County Sheriff’s office, has been named the American Legion officer of the year for New Jersey.

The award is given to an officer who has exceeded the duty requirements and has demonstrated a pattern of professional achievement. The annual award was presented recently at the Legion’s statewide convention.

Udijohn has been a Mercer County sheriff’s officer since 2007. He is jointly assigned to the United States Marshal’s Regional Fugitive Task Force. He has received numerous prestigious awards and letters of commendation throughout his career. The New Jersey State PBA honored him for valor in 2015 and in the same year was named
Officer of the Year by NY/NJ United States Marshal’s Regional Fugitive Task Force. In 2016, he was named
Mercer County Sheriff’s officer of the year.

“JimUdijohn is a model law enforcement officer with an impeccable and exemplary record of public service,”said Mercer County Sheriff Jack Kemler. “I know that Jim and our great county are grateful to the NJ American Legion for this honor.”

The American Legion selected Udijohn from a pool of nominees from around the state. The awards presentation took place on Thursday, June 8, at the Wildwood Convention Center.

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.