Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Greater Mercer County names new board members

New Board 17 18
JFCS Board (r-l): Audrey Wisotsky, Patricia Schlaefer, Holli Elias, Gil Gordon, Shara Hofing, Emily Josephson, Jill Jaclin (rear), Joyce Kalstein, Arlene Pedovitch, Betsy Silverman, Jennifer Agran, Milan Vaclavik (rear), Harold Heft, Joshua Zinder, Andrea Dedrick, Lois Miller, Jeremy Perlman (rear), Carol Lerner, Michelle Napell (rear), Naomi Richman Neumann, Max Orland (rear), Cory Rand and Scott Sussman. Not pictured: Andrea Genek, Joel Heymsfeld, Matt Kestenbaum, Barbara Majeski.

Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Greater Mercer County welcomed five new board members at the organization’s 80th annual meeting last week.

The new Board members are Joshua Zinder of Princeton, Jill Jaclin of West Windsor, Emily Josephson of West Windsor, Cory Rand of Yardley, Pa., and Patricia Schlaefer of Skillman.  The terms will run from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018.

The non-profit social service agency also recognized several outstanding volunteers for their efforts.

This year’s Gemilut Chasadim (acts of loving kindness) Award winners are: Marsha Novick of Princeton, Amy Solomon of East Windsor, and Larry Zisman of East Windsor, who all help JFCS regularly at the daytime kosher cafés that are held at congregations located throughout Mercer County. The Tzedakah (charity) Award winner is Connor Dedrick of Skillman, who works regularly on weekday afternoons after school in the office to help with teen programs. The Kehillah (community partner) award winner is the Village Grande Hadassah women’s group of West Windsor, which provides Jewish Family and Children’s Service with donations of food, clothing, toys and more for clients each year.

“JFCS could not accomplish all that we do and take care of over 5,000 people annually without our team of dedicated and caring volunteers,” said JFCS Executive Director Michelle Napell.

The agency also presented the Rose & Louis H. Linowitz “Mensch” awards to 5th, 8th, and 12th graders from the community who do good deeds to improve the lives of others. This year’s “Mensch” award winners are: Aidan Shapiro, Lindsay Bizenov, Eliana Boorstein, Yoni Livstone, Philippa Chown, Jaclyn Perlman, Carly Solomon, and Laura Wolfe.

At the meeting, JFCS leaders also announced the launch of a new program that combines food pantry and senior services. The new “Healthy@Home Senior Nutrition Program” will provide nutrition education with healthy and nutritious food to low-income, homebound older adults throughout greater Mercer County.  The program is in the fundraising phase and is slated to launch in the fall.

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.