Ride for Runaways supports Anchor House shelter, other programs

The Anchor House Ride for Runaways provides significant funding for the Trenton-based shelter, its transitional housing programs and other services that support runaway, abused and neglected children and teens in the greater Mercer County area.
Anchor House serves children and young adults between the ages of 12 through 21. Programs include the Anchor House shelter, Anchorage transitional living program, Anchor Link street outreach program, Anchor Line apartment program and Connecting Youth program.
The shelter is a 24-hour program for youth ages 12-17. Runaway and homeless youth have walk-in access to the program 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Services include crisis intervention, individual and family counseling, temporary shelter, food and clothing, advocacy, outreach, and support groups.
The Anchorage provides residential and life skill services to homeless youth ages 18-21 to help them become independent, with an emphasis on education and employment. Residents learn how to budget, save money, eat right, shop and take care of themselves.

Anchor House’s street outreach program provides services to youth ages 14-21 including crisis intervention, counseling, assistance with job searches, referrals for services and community programs, assistance locating safe living arrangements, advocacy, life skills education, and transportation.
The apartment program provides subsidized housing, food, and life skills education to young people ages 18 to 21 in order to give them the skills they need to successfully live on their own. Youth who live in the apartment program are required to find employment to support themselves, and are strongly encouraged to enroll in school, participate in counseling, and learn life skills that will help them be independent.
Connecting Youth helps teens ages 14-17 build a support system. The program helps youth find family or people they consider as family, and mentors to help them transition into adulthood. Youth receive assistance in high school finding employment, planning a career and applying to college or a vocational school.
At an awards banquet on Friday night, the 146 cyclists and 33 support crew members on the 39th annual Ride for Runaways will find out how much money they have raised so far to support these Anchor House programs.
The cyclists pedaled 66 hilly miles from Lewisburg to West Hazleton, Pa., climbing nine miles at the end of a long day. Muscle aches and fatigue are starting to take their toll as the cyclists ride the challenging, very hilly course this week to support Anchor House. On Friday, they will pedal 76 miles to Bethlehem, climbing another 4,489 feet.
Photos below from day five by Jeanne Imbrigiotta.
Krystal Knapp is a participant in the 39th annual Anchor House Ride for Runaways. For more information about Anchor House, to make a donation, or to visit an individual rider’s donation page, visit the Ride for Runaways website.
Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT planetprinceton.com. Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.