An open letter from Dwaine Williamson
During this campaign I’ve been asked many times, “Are you sure you want to do this? Being on Council is a thankless job.”
My answer is this: I’ve been working my entire life toward this election. Everything I’ve done and will continue to do is rooted in an ethos of gratitude and service — and that path has led me to this moment.
I’m an immigrant who arrived in this country at a young age with a mother wanting a better life for her kids. We were not welcomed in Trenton and found a different set of hardships – all of which brought invaluable life lessons and perspective on what’s truly important.
Over 20 years ago, my wife Trina and I sought a place where we could offer a better life for our growing family. We found it here in Princeton, and every day I work to pay it forward.
As a litigator, I know how to fight and win in defense of another. I also know it’s often best to find common ground to yield mutually beneficial outcomes.
I know firsthand the challenges and opportunities surrounding the interrelated issues of affordable housing, land use and sustainability. I’m a member of the Princeton Planning Board, and Chair of the Zoning Amendment Review Committee (ZARC). Additionally, I served as First Vice President of the PCDO, and as the Municipal Democratic Committeeman for District 22. My understanding and relationships have been formed by being at the table and doing the work — and I am now ready, willing and able to take this approach to Council.
Our family has thrived in Princeton, and my children have benefited greatly from its public schools. I see the value our schools bring to our community, not only in nurturing our kids, but as an economic engine that draws families to move here. We all benefit from a healthy school system, and I have the experience and temperament to help navigate the difficult community conversations ahead.
Tuesday, June 5th is the primary election, and I’m asking for your vote for Princeton Council.
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