Cherry Valley Road bridge now open

The bridge carrying Cherry Valley Road over a branch of Bedens Brook at the Princeton and Montgomery border was reopened to vehicles Thursday afternoon.

The original bridge was a single span, reinforced concrete slab on concrete abutments. The structure was considered structurally deficient by county engineers. The replacement bridge consists of a prefabricated, three-sided concrete culvert supported on spread footings. The structure supports a 46-foot-wide cartway and a 5-foot-wide sidewalk along the north side. The cross section at the bridge consists of two 12-foot travel lanes, one 12-foot and one 5-foot shoulder, and four-rail bridge railings. Underground Utilities Corp. of Linden was the successful low bidder at $550,274.

The other Cherry Valley Road bridge and road project at “Jefferson’s Curve” (west of George Drive) is still underway. The project is slated to be finished by August of 2019.

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.