K-9 locates missing Robbinsville woman

K9 Goose file photo

A bloodhound named Goose who is a K-9 for the Mercer County Sheriff’s Department located a missing woman in Robbinsville this week.

On Monday evening, the Robbinsville Police Department asked for help locating a distraught 42-year-old woman who had gone missing in the township . People were worried about her being outside as the temperature dropped to the low 30s.

“Officer Goose” picked up a scent quickly and tracked the woman through an open field and a horse pasture. Goose located her 35 to 40 feet inside of a bamboo grove.

The woman was treated by the local emergency squad and reunited with her family.

“We are pleased K-9 Goose quickly located this individual and saved her from harm,” Sheriff Jack Kemler said.

The county K-9 unit specializes in locating missing people, conducting criminal searches, detecting explosives, and tracking people. K-9 Sheriff’s Officer David Smithson, along with officers from the Robbinsville Police Department, managed the search.

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT planetprinceton.com. Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.