Michelle Pirone Lambros will help boost businesses in Princeton

To the Editor:

I am writing to encourage Democratic voters to vote for Michelle Pirone Lambros in the Democratic primary on Tuesday June 4, 2019.

I have been impressed with Michelle’s positive energy, and the fresh ideas that she will bring to the Princeton Council. Michelle is focused on helping small businesses and creating more foot traffic in our community. I am concerned about the empty storefronts in the Princeton Shopping Center, downtown and the Witherspoon-Jackson area. I am concerned for the small business owners who are in Princeton, and wonder how much business they are getting. These empty store fronts did not just happen overnight, and I have not read or seen any major plans from the council on how they plan to help.

I know Michelle will get right to work to help improve business in Princeton. More successful businesses in our town means more tax revenue for our town, which is a win-win for all taxpayers.

Michelle has seen many changes over the years. I admire Michelle’s determination in running for a seat on council and questioning what is happening in our town. She won’t take “this is how we always do it” as an answer. I believe Michelle will keep the rising burden of property taxes in mind when making decisions that will affect taxpayers. Michelle is a current member of the zoning board, and I look forward to her continued ideas on how Princeton can meet its affordable housing obligations while maintaining the residential landscape.

Princeton is a small town with a big history, and Michelle knows that finding a real balance for these projects will be a huge challenge moving forward. But I know, she is ready for the challenge.

Fellow Democrats, please join me in voting for Michelle Pirone Lambros in the Democratic primary on June 4.

Debbie Bronfeld

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