Princeton should continue to fund local public television station

To the Editor:

I am writing to give my wholehearted support for Princeton Community TV and to show how important it is to continue funding for our valuable community resource.

I have followed the development of β€œTV30” for many years, since it started out from a small office in the Arts Council of Princeton to its current facilities with a modern studio, equipment, classes and dozens of talented, dedicated people  who create the outstanding programs covering topics important to our community. 

Programs such as the Spanda Yoga Program which helped me to modify yoga for my personal limitations.  I watch Backstory with Joan Goldstein.  A particularly interesting guest on her show was John Leland who spoke optimistically about how to age well.   I like to check out the movie review show, Popcorn, with community reviewers instead of written reviews.    I would miss all these programs if funding were to be cut.  

Not only does PCTV produce these shows, it offers courses and resources to educate people interested in honing their technical skills.  My husband is a good example of such a volunteer,  starting out as a camera man, who improved with guidance and practice.  He was soon directing shows and going on to shoot and edit his own documentaries-one about Princeton-after taking a course.  If we were to lose PCTV, there is no local alternative.

In summary, we are so fortunate to have this vibrant organization, I believe the City of Princeton needs to continue generous financial support to keep it flourishing.  

My understanding is that PCTV is funded by a cable tv franchise fee.  What I don’t understand is why these funds are now being withheld from PCTV.  


Sally Jenkins

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