Local public television station helps build community in Princeton
Dear Editor:
I am a member of Princeton Community TV and am writing you in support of the station.
I have been a member since 2009. I was a producer and co-host of a show “Medical Tips You Need to Know!” for 10 years. I am currently producer and co-host of a show “Wine-ing Away with Corie & Ray.” In the 10-year run of our medical tips show we reached thousands of viewers who learned more about everything from getting second opinions to different illnesses and diseases – gave tips and advice and hosted countless guests who had vast experience in medical professions. The response we received from so many who told us they learned something or went to a doctor and were diagnosed with something because of our show – or even those who found a voice and questioned their diagnosis and got second opinions was beyond gratifying. None of this would have been possible without Princeton Community TV. Their expertly trained and experienced staff made it possible to provide a quality show to those in our community. Priceless information and experiences were shared to help educate and support.
Having access to this top notch staff of professionals to assist in our shows is necessary. Having them teach you the equipment and provide assistance with everything from recording to broadcasting is immeasurable. Working together with this quality staff is how these shows are put together to broadcast and entertain, educate and help those in the community. Community TV is all about “community.” It starts where people live and reaches out to surrounding communities and neighbors and then grows from there – into something much bigger. Maintaining a public access station is vital to those who live there and are affected by this news.
Community TV is the glue that holds a community together. Whether you watch it all the time, just a little, or even not at all – you need it! The question has arisen, ‘Why not just have these people go record on their cell phones or make You Tube videos instead? “ YouTube channels and the internet are impersonal. They are put out there for anyone and everyone. There is no understanding of television or media or appreciation of the actual recording of a show. Community TV continues to support the arts and media and all of its branches. Television and movies still are done in this format. They are shot and recorded by cameras – in studios and on location. Why haven’t they gone to cell phones and YouTube? Its self-explanatory. The quality of the show, the production and the final product is the key difference. This is also why a studio platform is still necessary in television and should be kept available through community TV. Shows that are there to promote arts – help educate, assist and support others in the community all together under ONE roof – one platform providing that to the community and its surrounding neighbors that is more helpful then any random clip or so–called show we can watch on YouTube or the internet that is done by someone in their bedroom or backyard looking for attention and trying to simply promote their own opinion or interest.
What community TV does – what Princeton Community TV does – are professional productions put together by trained and experienced television production staff and should not be compared to self-recorded cell phone videos or YouTube videos done by anyone. Apples to oranges. It is sad to think this thought process exists and goes to show the lack of understanding of what Community TV really does, what it is comprised of and the benefit it provides for all local communities.
I stand 100% behind Princeton Community TV, their staff and the Board. I respect, admire and applaud all they have done to date for community TV and for the local communities. I urge you to consider funding to such an exceptional community service. Continue to support television and media broadcasting and all it represents, not only for the community, but for all who believe that we should continue to be informed, advised, entertained and educated through television.
Corine Mogenis
Producer, TV Host, Author, Medical Paralegal,
Patient Advocate and Cancer Survivor
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Wow. I disagree. I have lived in Princeton (four addresses) for almost 30 years and have NEVER subscribed to the local cable monopoly nor watched this TV station (We did DISH for a few years but mostly enjoy NetFlix).
Somehow, through parenting my son thru sports teams and numerous school activities, participating in local political organizations, subscribing to theatre and arts performances, connecting with the University’s and Westminster’s offerings, and being a regular in many other local groups, I feel strongly that I am a member of the Princeton community.
Interestingly, Town Topics and Planet Princeton connects me to my Princeton community more than any television station.
Douglas Rubin, though PP and the TT publish the “day to day” issues and events, the tv station provides more than producing shows. They offer classes at very affordable prices, through the Partners Project they team professionals with non profit organisations to produce documentaries to highlight their work, they televise the political forums sponsored by The League of Women Voters, etc.
But what it is important here is that the money comes from the cable company, the money is a percentage of the cable subscribers’ bills, is part of the cable company revenue, the money that sustains the station and its staff is by no means tax payers’ money and to mislead the taxpayers is wrong. The municipality wants to use the funds from the cable company as “tax relief”, yeah, right, it will come to approximately $29 per household. I am more inclined to believe that they want that money to pay legal fees of the lawyers that are taking care of multiple sues, they want the money to fill the lack of revenue after the new parking system debacle, they want the money to pay to clean the River Rd site, now another scandal in town, they want that money to pay for more consultants, experts, surveys that they keep hiring. Let me be clear, that money is not tax payers’ money, do not believe that!
Huh? Of course the $232,000/year in fees is taxpayers’ money–collected from us monthly by Verizon or Comcast, and passed through to the town. It is not the cable companies’ money!
It is cable subscribers’ only; therefore, the alleged “tax relief” should go to the cable subscribers only. I am very excited and can’t wait to see that check of $28.72 coming in the mail, just can’t wait!