Tell officials you want action on climate change now

Climate demonstrations like the Hinds Plaza gathering in Princeton may help prod our government to take action against global warming, but it’s going to take concerted follow up by all citizens to ensure that the U.S. moves away from fossil fuels in time to prevent irreparable harm to our Earth.

We have no time to wait before we pick up our phones, pens, and computers and remind our elected representatives that 80% of their constituents want action now. We can even suggest a great place to begin — placing a steadily increasing fee on all oil and gas extracted from ground in the U.S. or imported into the country. Rising costs of fossil fuels will impel all sectors of the economy to develop new and cheaper sources of energy, and the fee revenues can be returned to consumers to make up for short-term price increases.

The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act — HR673 — embodies this approach and needs House of Representatives consideration. Rep. Bonnie Watson-Coleman is a co-sponsor , and with our thanks and encouragement she can help move the bill towards a vote.

Combining government policy and free market entrepreneurship has brought the U.S. economic and social progress. Let’s put it to work to stop global warming now.

Betty Wolfe
Hawthorne Avenue

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