Hamilton mayor calls on NJDEP to take over operations of Trenton Water Works

Hamilton mayor calls on NJDEP to take over operations of Trenton Water Works

The Trenton Water Works serves the capital city and portions of four other municipalities in Mercer County. Martin’s statement comes a week after the city sent a letter to customers informing them that a Trenton Water Works employee falsified water testing data.

New Jersey American Water issues mandatory conservation notice for Garden State customers

New Jersey American Water issues mandatory conservation notice for Garden State customers

Stop watering grass and plants with a hose, and turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth or washing dishes in the sink. Those guidelines and more from NJ American Water, which serves many communities in the Princeton region and beyond.

Officials want to buy three parcels of land in northern section of Princeton to replace open space diverted for municipal complex

Officials want to buy three parcels of land in northern section of Princeton to replace open space diverted for municipal complex

The town must buy at least 15 acres of land to make up for the three acres it used for the municipal complex on Witherspoon Street.

Environmental Protection Agency settles Clean Air Act violations with Stony Brook Regional Sewerage Authority in Princeton

Environmental Protection Agency settles Clean Air Act violations with Stony Brook Regional Sewerage Authority in Princeton

The Stony Brook Regional Sewerage Authority will pay a $335,750 civil penalty. The authority has also agreed to commit an additional $44,250 to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s environmental mitigation project fund.