Three more Princeton residents who attended private party test positive for coronavirus
Three more residents of Princeton who attended a private party in a local home have tested positive for the coronavirus, local officials confirmed Sunday.
These three cases, in addition to the first case that was reported on Friday, bring Princeton’s total confirmed coronavirus infections to four cases. All four people attended a Feb. 29 social gathering in a private home. Based on interviews with health officials, the people report being in the following locations while potentially infectious:
-Stuart Country Day School, March 4 thru March 9
-Rutgers University, March 5 thru March 9
-University of Delaware, March 6
Officials from each of the locations have been notified. Close contacts are being identified. People who had close contact with any of the three residents are being encouraged to self-isolate, officials said.
“All of the identified cases in Princeton have so far been directly associated with this particular event,” Princeton Health Officer Jeff Grosser said in a statement. “However, as several of the persons involved were in the community prior to being requested to isolate, we must presume some level of community exposure has occurred. All people of Princeton, especially those at highest risk, should monitor their own health.”
As more cases are observed throughout New Jersey, officials are urging all people to practice social distancing and to avoid non-essential travel, public events, community gatherings, and indoor venues. Avoid close contact, handshakes, and hugging, and keep at least six feet between yourself and others.
Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.