Princeton resident creates ‘Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood Kindness Project’ that supplies toiletries and other items to residents in need

Brown bags full of items like tampons, sanitary pads, razors, and shaving cream line stands near the register at McCaffrey’s Food Market. “Dear Neighbor, this bag of items was purchased for you by a friendly neighbor who is thinking of you today. We hope you stay safe and healthy. We’ll get through this together,” reads a note on each bag.
Shoppers at McCaffrey’s can purchase one of the themed bags at the register to be donated to someone who needs the items. The project, called Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood Project, was created by Princeton resident Blair Miller, as a way to meet residents’ needs beyond food during the COVID-19 crisis.
A conservatory-trained pianist, Miller is also the founder of Conduct Action, an organization that promotes the power of classical music through programs for kids and workshops at classical concert halls.
For the Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood Project, Miller is working with other organizations like Arm in Arm and Send Hunger Packing to distribute the bags, in addition to delivering bags herself.
Shoppers can buy the themed bags at the checkout ranging in price from about $5 to under $15 and then deposit them in bins at the exit. Miller stops by regularly to collect bags for distribution.
“It’s all about neighbors helping neighbors,” she said.

Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.