In Lambertville, widespread devastation, at least 25 families displaced after storm

The city of Lambertville along the Delaware River suffered the worst flash flooding in recent memory on Wednesday night, causing at least 25 families to be displaced and numerous homes and businesses to suffer water damage.
Local officials said the city is working with the Red Cross to ensure that all displaced residents are housed. Local business owners like Danny Whittaker and Rose Carbonara of the Lambertville Station and Frank and Jeannie Cretella of Landmark properties have also provided emergency housing for residents in need.
Officials said the Lambertville Office of Construction is working to ensure that all residents receive the assistance they will need to rebuild as swiftly as possible. Fees associated with permits will be waived for a period of time as residents work to rebuild all that they have lost.
More than 1,000 homes and businesses in Lambertville were without power as residents attempted to remain safe while their homes filled with inches of water. JCP&L has been able to restore power to all but approximately 300 homes as of Friday afternoon, officials said.
Due to extreme debris in the reservoir, residents have been advised to boil all water.
“We are working around the clock to make sure that help is on the way,” Mayor Julia Fahl said. “We are in communication with Governor Murphy and our Congressional delegation to receive the disaster relief that we need after this devastating storm.”
The city has a disaster relief fund, and clothes and food for the flood victims can be dropped off at the Lambertville Elementary School at 200 N. Main Street in Lambertville.
Editor’s note: Send tips about relief efforts for flood victims around the region to editor @ Thank you.

Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.