Recreational cannabis dispensaries don’t belong in Princeton
To the Editor:
As a property owner and divorced mother residing with my two young children, the recent push for three recreational cannabis dispensaries in our lovely town is quite perplexing. Though I am in favor of medicinal marijuana, why do the dispensaries have to be in our neighborhoods? Why are residents asked to pay exorbitant taxes and support school district referendums to maintain our excellent public schools, only to have our efforts undermined by another branch of our local government? Do we want our town to be known for this?
I arrived in this country at the age of 6 with my family as political refugees from Communist Cuba. Due to God’s grace, this country’s opportunities, and hard work, I was able to become a school psychologist, school counselor, school supervisor, interpreter/translator, psychiatric screener, etc., and am now raising my young children in Princeton. We all work very hard to live in such a blessed town. Please do not allow me to meet your family and friends when called for a psychiatric evaluation for them at an emergency room.
According to the CDC, marijuana can affect brain development. Developing children’s brains are especially susceptible to the harmful effects of marijuana and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Using marijuana before age 18 may permanently affect brain functions like attention, memory, and learning. Also, studies cited by the National Institute on Drug Abuse show that for those who start using marijuana in their teens, the odds of becoming dependent is 1 in 6.
Given these severe health risks, elected officials need to articulate how cannabis dispensaries will solve the pressing problems in Princeton and why it is worth risking the wellbeing of our youth.
Suppose local recreational dispensaries are to alleviate the accessibility problem. What is the approximate size of the Princeton population that will have difficulty purchasing legal marijuana without a local dispensary? If the inconvenience of driving down Route 1 is the problem, what is the size of the Princeton population that will not have access to mail orders?
If local recreational dispensaries are to make cannabis consumption safer, how many hospitalizations in Princeton were due to contaminated black market cannabis products last year?
If local recreational dispensaries are to restore social justice, how many people in Princeton who the War on Drugs unjustly harmed can the three proposed dispensaries help? Do the Black and Brown communities want recreational dispensaries in the neighborhood? Would you want it in yours?
Let us get the answers to all these questions first, add them up, and then ask ourselves, “is it worth scaring the adolescent years and jeopardizing the future of one Princeton child, ten or twenty?” Parents need straightforward answers to these questions.
The Cannabis Task Force argues that “the law as passed by the NJ Legislature has put into place adequate provisions to address the issue of underage use.” Yet, the reality in early legalized states where there are comparable if not stricter cannabis regulations argues the opposite. A recent study of 700 cannabis dispensaries in California shows that dispensaries loosely follow regulations designed to protect minors. In many states, the black market didn’t shrink as promised by regulators and instead enjoyed a boom after legalization. Princeton’s reputation of excellent public schools and a family-friendly environment convinced many families to pay a premium price to call this town home. The one thing most of these families want in common is a safe and nurturing place where their children can grow up to reach their fullest potential. Recreational marijuana dispensaries threaten to damage the very being of Princeton. Please make the right choice. Once again, I implore you, do not allow me to meet your family and friends when called for a psychiatric evaluation at an emergency room. Not in our town. Not in any of our neighborhoods, please.
Annarella Valdivia
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I am in complete agreement that Princeton should not have cannabis dispensaries. Please sign the petition against Princeton dispensaries. Thank you to the residents who are raising awareness by sending postcards and putting ads around town. We all need to fight against dispensaries in Princeton. Dispensaries will change the character of town. If they are in town we will not be shopping or going to dinner in town with or without our children. Other families we know say the same. Why little by little does Council want to destroy what we have built up? Princeton does not need to look like a dingy drug alley because of greedy government. And the taxes collected are going to social justice and not to the schools or anything to help the taxpayers. Council wants to get my kids addicted so they can have their own unregulated slush fund. This is spinet and will destroy our beautiful, diverse, clean educated town. Potheads are called burnouts for a reason. Don’t let this happen to anyone: black, brown or green with pink dots. Drugs are inimical to education and wellbeing. STOP this horrible idea. The public meeting is Tuesday March 29 at 7 pm. Go to the Princeton government website to find the live video link to join the discussion.
I agree with this person. We worked hard to come to live in Princeton because of its safety, schools and family friendly town. Now council wants to destroy it with drug sales? I’m sorry Princeton is going toward what we moved away from. This is backward.
LA MARIHUANA AFECTA TU CEREBRO. El tetrahidrocannabinol (THC), el químico responsable en gran parte por los efectos psicológicos de la marihuana, afecta las células del cerebro, incluyendo las células que se encuentran vinculadas con el aprendizaje, la memoria, la coordinación y la adicción.1
LA MARIHUANA AFECTA TU AUTOCONTROL. La marihuana puede seriamente impactar tu coordinación y sentido del tiempo, afectando por ejemplo la manera en que manejas.
LA MARIHUANA AFECTA TUS PULMONES. El humo de la marihuana deposita cuatro veces más residuos en los pulmones y contiene de 50% a 70% más de sustancias cancerígenas que el humo del tabaco.2
EL USO DE LA MARIHUANA SE RELACIONA NEGATIVAMENTE CON OTROS ASPECTOS DE TU SALUD. El uso repetitivo de marihuana ha sido relacionado con la depresión, ansiedad y en algunos casos un riesgo mayor de presentar esquizofrenia.3
LA MARIHUANA NO SIEMPRE ES LO QUE PARECE. La marihuana puede estar mezclada con otras substancias sin tu conocimiento.4 Los cigarros conocidos como “blunts”, los cuales están rellenos de marihuana, a veces contienen cocaína en crack.
LA MARIHUANA PUEDE SER ADICTIVA. No todas las personas que usan marihuana se convierten en adictos, pero algunas personas desarrollan síntomas de dependencia.
I’m in favor of NJ having cannabis dispensaries, but they shouldn’t be in Princeton. I’ve stayed in a number of cities that have cannabis dispensaries. It may be a chicken and egg problem, but in none of them would you want to be eating or shopping in the vicinity of the dispensaries. They should be in business districts that are not close to residential districts or nice restaurants and shops. Princeton doesn’t have the right locations for it. The dispensary on Route 1 is much better situated.