West Windsor Arts Council member show ‘Yesterday Today Tomorrow’ runs from March 28 through June 3

Opening Reception Friday, March 31 from 7 to 8:30 p.m.

Wendy Wilson Reflections in an Autumn Pond Edited
“Reflections in an Autumn Pond” by Wendy Wilson

The West Windsor Arts Council invited member artists to explore and express the idea of change and the passage of time as they relate to personal experiences or observations in the new art exhibition, “Yesterday Today Tomorrow.”

The new exhibition is on view at the West Windsor Arts Council during operating hours or by appointment. The juror was Katie Truk, a New Jersey-based artist and teaching artist. Awards for “best in show,” “best use of medium,” and “exhibition committee choice” will be announced at the opening. 

Highlights of the many works in the exhibition include “Moment” by Joseph Goldfedder. “The hospice nurse told us that [my father] could hear us and was conscious of his surroundings. While he slept, I made a series of drawings and in the process, I felt I was blending my past with the present,” Goldfedder says. “He was my muse after all, and these drawings and colors speak to the intensity of emotions between us.” The work is done in watercolor pens and reflects Goldfedder’s freestyle use of mark-making and color. 

Joseph Goldfedder Moment
“Moment” by Joseph Goldfedder

“Tomorrow is Today’s Dream” is a mixed media piece by Neelam Padte. “While we experience different things in each time period, they are all part of the same overall journey through time,” Padte says. “Our imagination and actions brought us to where we are and will determine the future of this beautiful blue planet.” Padte’s geometric paintings start with pencil sketches, then use computer skills to create multiple digital representations before painting the final composition on canvas.”

Neelam Padte Tomorrow is Todays Dream
“Tomorrow is Today’s Dream” by Neelam Padte

Wendy Wilson dyes silk and cotton fabric to print her digital creations. “Reflections in an Autumn Pond” is a hand drawing printed on silk. “Each fabric is different, in the way they feel, the way they take dye or paint, the way they drape,” Wilson says. “At the same time, I was doing some design work with software. It was a natural move to start printing those designs on silk and cotton. I like the precision that I can achieve with computer-based designs.”

Exhibiting artists include: Brigitte A. Calderon, Zakia Aziz Ahmed, Meta Dunkly Arnold, Linda Barton, Manveen Bindra, Magda Dodd, Ilene Dube, Jayme Fahrer, Carlo Fiorentini,  Gary David Fournier, S.J. Freeman, Joseph Goldfedder, Janice Gossman, Lisa Gottesman, Barry Hantman, D.J. Haslett, Marzena Haupa, Audrey Jakab and Alejandro Berlin, Margaret Kalvar Bushnell, Donna M. Kaye, Nelly Kouzmina, Joy Kreves, R. Kumar, Lori Langsner, Sonya Legg, Eleni Litt, Christopher Mac Kinnon, Sheila Mashaw, Hetal Mistry, Mita, Neelam Padte, Deborah W. Pey, Helene Plank, William Plank, Kate Pollack, Karen E Repka, Francine Roche Kay, Rupa Sanbui, Martin Schwartz, Rooma Sehar, Alok Sharma, Kelly Silver, Margaret Simpson, Barbara Weinfield, Andrew Werth, and Wendy Wilson.

The West Windsor Arts Council is located at 952 Alexander Road in Princeton Junction. Hours are Mondays through Fridays, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT planetprinceton.com. Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.